
XIX Congreso de la Sociedad Española de Malherbología (SEMh)
VI Simpósio Nacional de Herbologia

Datas: de 17 a 19 de abril de 2024

Local: Instituto Politécnico de Beja


Paolo Bàrberi

Escola Superior de Sant’Anna, Pisa

Professor in Agronomy and Field Crops at the Center of Plant Sciences of the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna in Pisa, where he coordinates the Research Group in Agroecology (GOA) and coordinated the International PhD Programme in Agrobiodiversity (2013-2019). He is involved in inter- and transdisciplinary research on the link between agrobiodiversity and the provision of ecosystem services (functional agrobiodiversity) in different agroecosystems and at different temporal and spatial scales (field, farm, territory), increasingly conducted with a participatory approach. He is also involved in the ecology and management of wild and weedy vegetation and the design of low-input, organic and agroecological cropping and farming systems. He regularly participates in regional, national and international research projects (he has won 18 European FP6, FP7, Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe and ERA-NET projects since 2007). 

He has participated as (co-)author in > 360 scientific papers, many of them published in the best international journals in the field. He collaborates as an expert agroecologist with FAO, the European Commission (Joint Research Centre in Ispra, research project evaluator), EFSA (environmental risk assessment of GMOs in agriculture), the Italian Ministry of Agriculture and (on organic farming). In 2015-2018 he was a member of the panel for the evaluation of the efficacy and risk of biopesticides for the purpose of their authorization (EU Southern Zone -France, Greece, Italy and Spain). From 2002 to 2015 he was scientific secretary, vice-president, president and past-president of the European Weed Research Society.

He is co-founder of Agroecology Europe (, of which he was vice-president, and of AIDA-Italian Agroecology Association, in which he is a member of the Executive Board. He is on the list of the World’s Top 2% Scientists compiled by Stanford University:
Author’s metrics (Scopus, 11 January 2024): – H index: 30. – Number of papers in Scopus: 84 (with 335 co-authors). – Number of citations: 4039 (by 3344 papers). – International collaboration: 63.5%. – Documents in top citation percentiles: 53.8%. – Documents in top 25% journals: 70.8%. – FWCI: 1.57.

Additional information:
To follow me on X (formerly Twitter): @paolo_barberi

José Manuel Peña Barragán

Instituto de Ciencias Agrarias (ICA), CSIC

Doctor ingeniero agrónomo por la universidad de Córdoba (2006) y, actualmente, científico titular del ICA-CSIC, donde co-dirige el grupo Tec4agro ( En sus investigaciones destaca el uso de teledetección y tecnologías afines en el contexto de la agricultura de precisión, con el objetivo principal de proponer y validar estrategias de producción y protección de cultivos más sostenibles y eficientes, siendo pionero en el uso de drones para la monitorización de los cultivos y el control localizado de malas hierbas. Ha publicado +100 artículos científicos y divulgativos sobre sus investigaciones en diversos cultivos leñosos (olivar, viña, almendro) y herbáceos (maíz, girasol, trigo, tomate, arroz). Es socio de la SEMh desde 2001 y ha recibido el premio Pierre C. Robert otorgado por la International Society of Precision Agriculture (ISPA).

António Maria Marques Mexia

Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Universidade de Lisboa

Full Professor of Integrated Pest Management and Applied Entomology University of Lisbon | UL · Agronomy Faculty (Instituto Superior de Agronomia) Aggregate in Crop Protection; PhD in Applied Biology; DIC in Pest Management; MSc in Crop Production; Agronomist

Responsible for teaching and research in integrated pest management.

Worked on greenhouse horticulture, vineyards, pome, prune and citrus orchards, olive groves, cereals and stored dry agricultural products, both in terms of risk assessment techniques and economic thresholds, and in terms of chemical, biotechnical and biological control agents.

José Luis González Andújar

Instituto de Agricultura Sostenible, CSIC

José Luis González Andújar es investigador en el Instituto de Agricultura Sostenible (CSIC). Su área de investigación se centra en el estudio de la agroecología de las malas hierbas y su manejo integrado desde una aproximación interdisciplinar. Lidera el grupo de Agroecologia de malas hierbas de la Junta de Andalucía. Ha publicado mas de 300 trabajos muchos de ellas en revistas de prestigio como Nature, Journal of Theoretical Biology, Weed Research, Weed Science, etc. Es miembro Honorario de la Weed Science Society of America (WSSA), profesor honorario de las Facultades de Agronomía de la Universidad de Teheran (Iran) y de la Universidad Nacional del Sur (Argentina),  y miembro electo del Colegio de Posgrado de la Facultad de Agronomía de la Universidad de la Republica (Uruguay). 

Ha sido Director Científico del Laboratorio Internacional de Cambio Global (CSIC), Jefe del Departamento del Protección de Cultivos del Instituto de Agricultura Sostenible, Presidente de las Sociedades Española de Malherbologia, Presidente de la Asociación Latinoamericana de Malezas, Presidente de la Sociedad Española de Biometría y Presidente de la Región Española de la International Biometric Society.
